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Below is a list of the Virgin Islands Code and Legislation's related to the Employees' Retirement System of the Government of the Virgin Islands as follows:
Retirement of Personnel - Title 3 Chapter 27
Tier II Retirement Benefits Program - Title 3 Chapter 28A
Supplemental Contributions Program - Title 3 Chapter 28B
Act No. 6905 Bill No. 26-0351
Retirement System Reform Act of 2005 - Act No. 6794 Bill No. 26-0071
Act No. 6917 Bill No. 27-0039
Cost of Living Increase in Annuitant's Pensions - Act No. 7070 Bill No. 28-0020
An Act enacting the Virgin Islands Economic Stability Act of 2011 - Act No. 7261 Bill No. 29-0123
An Act amending Act No. 7261 - Act No. 7281 Bill No. 29-0212