Computing Retirement Benefits for Senators
Fill the form and click the Calculate button to estimate benefits:
Semi Monthly Retirement Amount: |
Fill the form and click the Calculate button
The calculator on this page may be used to estimate your potential service retirement benefits. This calculator allows you to enter information to obtain an unofficial estimate of your GERS benefit. This is not an official GERS estimate, and it does not include all retirement options available to GERS members. The GERS benefits calculator is a tool designed to allow you to estimate your own retirement benefit when planning for your retirement.
Which Tier Are You? Tier I: Hired Before September 30, 2005 Tier II: Hired on or after October 1, 2005
- Senators may receive a retirement annuity when they have attained age 50 and upon completion of 6 years of credited service.
- Upon completion of 20 years of service they may retire regardless of age.
- Senators may combine legislative and executive service.
Incremental Increase
Retiree benefits are increased by a percentage rate determined yearly by the Board of Trustees upon attaining age 60 and upon completing one year on the retiree payroll.